Sorry, Koji the Frog could not find the file ^1. Sorry, Koji the Frog encountered an error while writing the file ^1. Sorry, Koji the Frog could not create the file ^1 because the disk is locked. Sorry, Koji the Frog could not create the file ^1 because the disk is full. Sorry, Koji the Frog encountered an error while writing the file ^1. Some Sounds stored in "Koji Sounds" are not in the Expected Format. Sorry, Koji the Frog requires System 6.0.7 or Later. Koji the Frog Encountered a File Error. ID = ^1 Koji The Frog could not find some needed resources. Please, make sure its Sprites, Sounds, Backgrounds and Pictures Files are in the same folder. ID = ^1 Sorry, there isn't enough Memory for Koji the Frog. Choose Get Info from Finder's File Menu to Allocate more Memory. ID = ^1 Sorry, Koji the Frog Requires a Macintosh with 256 Colors and a 13" (640 x 480) Monitor or Larger.